Monday, June 1, 2009

Vacation Declaration:

Behold!  This place earns a big ol’ fat Best Thing Today Award like, 10 times over.  Go take a look at the website and ask yourself why you don’t have what it takes to own a condo here. (Answer: Money)  For the record, your humble judge doesn’t have what it takes either.  I just happen to know someone who does.

During our stay here we encountered these guys who get a huge thumbs down:

Now, I’m sure everyone understands why jellyfish made the list of fail.  I got stung, that’s why.  Did you know that when you get stung by a jellyfish, the pain isn’t exactly blinding (unless you’re allergic I would imagine) but the barbs it shoots into your skin make it feel like it has wrapped its mighty tentacles around you and won’t let you go unless you apply significant bodily force?  Yeah.  I didn’t.  I had to lift my foot clear out of the water because I was certain it was going to take all four of us to dislodge that foul creature.  Not only had it already taken off to avoid my wrath, but my foot looked completely fine, making me look like a big fat liar.  Only a few hours later did the awful red bumps emerge.  Unexpected plus: Jellyfish stings are not as awful as I expected.  Not quite as awful anyway.

So why do beach crabs make the list?  Because these little buggers come out on the beach by the hundreds of thousands at night, plotting the destruction of mankind, that’s why.  Seriously, the Best Thing Today crew went out at night hoping to secure some pictures of nesting sea turtles for our (few) readers (we didn’t) and instead stumbled upon a massive crustacean conspiracy.  By the dim light of our flashlights, fighting hysterics, we lurched our way home from the darkest point of the beach, dodging these eight-legged freaks who kamakazied across our path.  Every so often, a large crab would come up from the sand directly where we were about to put our feet, trying to sabotage our efforts.  Watch out for the crabs, everyone.  One day when we have our backs turned, BAM!  They will rise up and crush our inferior, pincherless species.       

And on that thought,